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posted on Aug 27, 2021


Do you get so busy keeping up with the daily activities that you rarely find time to rest and unwind? Is this beginning to affect the quality of our life and general productivity? If you answered Yes to the questions, then a vacation is all you need to get back on track.

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Do you get so busy keeping up with the daily activities that you rarely find time to rest and unwind? Is this beginning to affect the quality of our life and general productivity? If you answered Yes to the questions, then a vacation is all you need to get back on track.  

Imagine you were on an island, without the noise, without having to chase busy schedules at work, rushing to meet deadlines, or even getting stuck in traffic. Amazing right?

Vacations are not a luxury; they are a necessity for a well-balanced life. They provide an opportunity to step back from the overwhelming nature of our jobs, relax, have a clearer sense of direction, and juice up our creativity.

People who take periodic vacations have lower stress, less risk of heart disease, a better outlook on life, and more motivation to achieve their goals. If you still need a little convincing, here are some additional benefits.

1.     It improves your health.

Vacations positively impact your mental and physical well-being. Prolonged exposure to stress can cause anxiety and depression. However, taking vacations causes a feeling of calmness and relief that allows your body and mind to heal in ways it couldn’t if it were still under pressure.

2.     Increases your motivation.

Disconnecting from daily routine helps you break repetitive patterns. People who return from vacations tend to have a clearer sense of direction, focus, and productivity at work.

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3.     Broadens your horizons.

Traveling the world and meeting people living in different conditions allows you to learn about a new culture, language, food, etc. This is what teaches you about the world. Once you go and visit, you may even challenge your own opinion about less known places and cultures.

Now that we have highlighted some of the benefits of taking periodic vacations, here are some basic tips to help you plan and have a comfortable vacation period.


1.     Get recommendations

Getting referrals from your close family and friends is a great way for you to get started. Let them know the type of vacation you intend to have, and the ones who might have experienced the same will advise you. 

You can also look up vacation destinations on the internet. If you want to be in a beach setting, you can check out destinations that offer that. It will save you time and help you choose from the endless list.

2.     Come up with a budget.

After identifying a destination that you would love to visit,  the next step would be to come up with a budget and spending plan. Whether you are traveling alone or with your family, drafting a spending plan is crucial to help checkmate your spending.

Start with the transportation, accommodation, and the cost of feeding you will incur while on the trip.  If you are going to lodge in a hotel, compare prices beforehand.

Sometimes the budget can go beyond what you would expect, but you can always cut down costs. For example, instead of paying for 5-star hotel accommodation, go for a less expensive one. Furthermore, you can also reduce your expenditure by booking early enough as well as traveling during the off-peak seasons.

Here is some good news, you can now access up to 5 million naira loan from Page Financials to fund your vacation expenses any day,  any time.

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3.     Confirm all reservations.

Double-check all your reservations: your flight, hotel, car rental, restaurants, attractions, and any other services or experiences you have planned. You do not want any surprises at a check-in counter.

4.     Learn about the culture.

Just as the saying goes, when you go to Rome, act like the Romans. People have different cultures and traditions, and it is important to learn about them to fit in. Imagine going to a new place to find out you are the odd one out?

Sometimes what you do or say can be offensive when you go to a new place. Hence, when choosing a vacation destination, you may want to go for where you think you will fit in well and enjoy a comfortable holiday time.

5.     Find out fun activities you can do.

While choosing a holiday destination, find a location that has fun things that you enjoy doing. If you like fishing and walking on the sandy beaches, then choose a place that offers the same.

Remember, besides being away from your home, you also need to have fun while on vacation. This is one way to stay busy and make memorable experiences.


Get the rest you deserve, money is not an issue.

Whatever your destination is, do not let money limit you. As a salary earner, you can fund your vacation expenses with quick loans of up to 5 million naira with Page Financials. 

Here is what you need to do.

·     Get the following documents; your statement of account for 6 months, staff id, valid means of identification, and BVN

·       Click on our registration portal https://www.pagefinancials.com/registration/

·       Fill in the necessary information and upload the required documents.

·      Once you complete this process, a customer service representative would contact you for a follow-up and update on your request.


No loan request is approved automatically. We carry out series of verification to ascertain your creditworthiness. Hence, ensure you provide the correct information.

Once everything checks out, you get disbursement in less than 24 hours.


Final thoughts

The human body deserves all the rest it can get. Prolonged exposure to stress can reduce the quality of your life and cause you to age faster. Packing your bags and hitting the road clears your head, and helps you stay younger.

Ready for that trip?

If you have any questions regarding our quick loans, competitive investment offering, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charges on transfers and bill payments, visit our website at https://pagefinancials.com or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to speak with us.

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