How To Invest With Page Financials
posted on Nov 6, 2020
Everything you need to know to begin investing today
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If you are looking for a legitimate way to safeguard and secure your financial future – and that of you children, then our investment products at Page Financials was designed for you.
With the recent pandemic, which brought the wakening of many forms of financial shake-ups, Page Financials is sending a clear message of hope by assuring Nigerians that“…whilst you are trying to navigate the new normal, if you ever need a rock solid financial institution to drive your investment goals and generate market competitive ROI, just know that you have One Less Thing To Worry About because Page is here to assist you.“
Page Financials is a leading financial services provider in Nigeria with offices in Lagos, and Ibadan, other states unveiling soon.
Page is well known for providing quick and convenient loans, highly competitive ROI investment products, as well as a secure and fast digital payments solution that enables customers to pay bills and transfer funds at absolutely zero-naira service charge.
For over 7 years, Page Financials have served as the dependable financial back bone to thousands of Nigerans who have invested or taken loans with the company.
Who Can Invest With Page?
Page Financials’ investment offering is open to all Nigerians with legitimate sources of income – whether you’re a working class or running a business.
All you need to have is the determination to secure your financial future and some funds that you are willing to lock away for some time – typically a minimum of 30days.
How Much Can I Invest with Page And Tenor Range?
You can invest a minimum of N200k and move up to as much as N50Million. For amounts larger than N50Million, further approval from management is required.
The invested amount will influence the returns you get. Remember, It’s the bigger, the better.
Also, investment tenors range from 90 days, 180 days and 365 days with options of rolling over. If you want to leave your investment for a longer period of time, which will automatically mean more returns for you, the roll over feature is designed handle that for you.
What Is The Interest Rate?
When evaluated with inflation and what is obtainable in the open market, we offer one of the strongest, stable and competitive rates on Investment.
While the rates given will depend on the amount invested and the tenor, our customers enjoy up to 9.5% interest per annum.
NOTE: We’re open to further discussions on interest rate and tenor when you send us an email at
How To Begin Investing With Page Financials
The topic of investing used to be reserved for the rich and old, intelligent and smart, people who have expertise in the area of financial management. Old news.
Innovative organizations like Page Financials have disrupted the financial institutions sector and demystified investing.
Now, everyone can invest. You do not need a degree in finance, neither do you need some excess sum of money to begin investing, with as little as N200k, Page Financials can help you secure your financial future.
All you need to do is call us on 017007243 or send an email to and one of our investment experts will give you a call back to understand your needs and help you get started with an investment plan as soon as possible.
Our consultants will further discuss appropriate rates and tenor for you – based on your unique needs.
If you have any further questions regarding our quick loans, competitive investment offering, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transfers and bill payments.
Visit our website at or call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to to speak with us.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to get daily updates on how to live a financially sound and productive career and personal life.