Your Relationship Needs Money – Here’re 5 Reason Why

posted on Oct 14, 2020
Relationship And Money - The Thin Line.
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When you're in a serious relationship with someone, it's not unusual for most of your money to become "group money". No, this doesn't always happen.
Some couples go through their relationships and even marriages with near complete financial independence, which is great if that's what you want.
But for so many couples, money becomes a more vaguely joint effort as the relationship moves forward.
There’s a popular saying “more money, more problems,” how true this statement is, is a matter of personal evaluation, and we’ll let you decide what it is for you.
On the contrary, does people who have a ton of money have happier, healthier relationships?
Can money really buy love? Does money even matter in the relationship? What if we decide we don’t want money to matter, will that make any difference?
Well, as you can already tell from the headline, money actually matters in YOUR relationship, although the emphasis is not on money today, its role is very important and here are 5 reasons why.
1. Define Equality
Firstly, you need to decide what equality means for you in your relationship. When it comes to finance, some people think "equal" means an absolute 50/50 split, but often that's not always possible or realistic for a couple.
What if one person earns more and the other less? Why would they be forced to split things equally when it’s not convenient for both of them? They could easily design another pattern that works for them.
Knowing exactly what both partners are expected to contribute to a relationship is important to clarify, so no one ends up feeling exploited or out of their depth.
Shortage of money will only increase the number of things to argue about.
2. Prepare For The Unexpected.
Knowing the financial capability of your partner with help influence your to-do list as a couple. It’s not that you have to quiz them on the second date and request for bank statements and all, but if you've been together for a while, and plan to stay together, or if you're planning to get married, you don't want to wake up one morning to a "Surprise! I'm broke!"
You should definitely support your partner in trying times, and have them do the same for you, but you don't want to wake up one morning to unpleasant surprises.
Talk about it and appropriately plan to be financially stable in your relationship so that nobody feels duped.
3. It's Too Easy To Fight About Money
Heard the saying, “when it rains it pours?” When there is shortage of money, it’s almost like there is an upsurge of needs, and with every request there’s a possibility of a misunderstanding – depending on the tone of voice.
If you don't pay proper attention to the way money functions within your relationship, it can be destructive.
Even before the down moments when there is little money coming in, you need to have cultivated an active communication culture that will be activated when there is shortage of money in the relationship.
4. You Need To Have Similar Financial Priorities
It is better to spend time understanding the financial personality of the person you are going into a relationship with, than to try to be in a relationship with someone where you will be constantly monitoring the other’s expenditures.
You need to as a matter of necessity, ensure that both of you are capable of being reasonable, considerate and intentional in spending. Talk about your everyday spending, and be able to communicate and have clear and similar goal towards savings in general.
Having similar financial priorities would reduce tension and increase peace of mind when it comes to your partner handling money.
5. You Might Have To Be Prepared To Unexpectedly Support Someone
Things happen—people lose jobs, big bills need to be suddenly paid—and in these moments, you'll learn that your relationship is a financial partnership as much as a romantic and emotional one.
You need to understand that when it comes to money, if you're in a serious relationship, you're in it together. Their hard times are your hard times now, and vice versa.
You might even opt to take a quick loan to sort pressing needs that are lagging as a result of the shortcoming from your partner’s financial mishap.
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Money cannot buy love, showering someone with expensive gifts does not mean there’s a commensurate measure of love in that act, however, money is an essential element in every relationship that when managed well, can make it a smooth ride.
Every relationship should strive to have enough of money always. But when things happen faster than they should, you can take a quick loan of up to N2.5Million naira from Page.
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