How To Stick To Your Weekly Plan

posted on Jun 26, 2020
Struggling to stick to your calendar? Read this!
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The importance of planning your week ahead cannot be over emphasized. The goal is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve during that period.
Without a plan, you would not know whether your week was successful or not. However, it doesn’t stop at having a plan. In fact, a plan, is only the vital beginning.
Sticking to your plan even while allowing room for impromptu tasks is the key to the success of the plan. In essence; you need to learn how to stick to your plan, otherwise it will be of no use.
But sticking to a plan is a habit that you need to learn – like every other skill, so that is the challenge for most people, but in this post, we will show you how to build that habit until you become a project executioner on steroids.
According to PsychCentral, it takes about two months to form a new habit, so building the habit of sticking with your week plan isn’t going to happen overnight, like every habit, it is going to take some time and dedicated effort.
Here are some tips that will help you hold yourself accountable until this new routine becomes second nature.
Choose A Regular Day And Time To Review The Past Week And Plan For New Week
If you must stick with a plan, then you must start with a weekly reflection and make it a routine.
Have a reflection of what worked and It should be exactly like a recurring meeting on your schedule.
You can do it at the end of each week to prepare for the next, or you can do it at the very beginning. A colleague, Demola, for instance, plans her week out on Sunday evenings. It’s all about what works best for you.
So, put it on your schedule at a time you think will be easy for you to stick to (or at least easier than most other times). For Demola, this process takes around 10 minutes. But she’s been doing this for a few years, so she’s a pro. At first, try setting aside 20 minutes and see how that goes.
Set Reminders And/Or Alarms
You don’t want to miss the schedule for anything, remember you’re trying to build a new habit, you need to be consistent.
Putting it on a digital calendar, set up the reminder function, such as a notification popping up on your phone or an email trigger (or both).
As you build this into a habit, use technology to push this task to the front of your mind each week. Another good option is setting a recurring reminder on your phone, especially if you’re using a paper planner.
Tell Other People You’re Doing It
Once you verbalize a goal to someone, it becomes more real, and it will really help increase your accountability.
So, tell someone you talk to on a regular basis about it—your best friend, your spouse, your favorite co-worker, your boss.
Again, choose what works best for you. Even if they don’t even ask you about it again, simply speaking it out loud to them will be helpful when it comes to sticking to it.
In conclusion
Developing a new habit is not so complex if you approach it with the right concept. This is such a simple trick to use. It’ll help you be so much more productive each week (and day).
So, starting next week, dedicate 10 to 20 minutes each week to planning out your schedule and setting up these parameters that will help you remain accountable and stick with it.
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