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Reasons Why Taking a Loan Might Be Your Best Option

Reasons Why Taking a

posted on Jan 23, 2020


Benefits of Obtaining a Loan.

Ever been in a state where you wish you can do more financially but your pocket is not going that direction?

You have little or no cash to achieve what you want to achieve. Your heart cringes at such situations. Then the popular saying comes to mind “cut your coat according to your size” but what if there is no material to even make a coat? How do you go about it?

There are many reasons we need money. Not for the sake of show off, but because of that peace and tranquility it brings. Imagine waking up every day knowing fully well your account is funded, you would smile all the way to work and back.

The abstract impact and feeling money has in people’s life cannot be overemphasized. In cases where you need funds to execute a project, rent is almost due or to pay for your kids’ school fees and you do not have sufficient cash at hand. Who do you turn to?

In order not to lose that opportunity, get chased out of your apartment or your kids being chased out of school, a smart decision would be to take a loan. Not only does a loan make more financial sense, it is the perfect facility to assist you during planned or unplanned events.

The next thing to think about is which loan company has got the best offer for you. You need money? Yes. You definitely don’t want to be charged for spending what you have gotten from the loan company. You need every naira and kobo to stay intact until you press send.

The solution to this is simple – Page Financials.

At Page Financials, you get quick access to loans from #200k to #5million in less than 3 hours as long as you are a salary earner and you have the needed requirement. That’s not the fun part though, at Page Financials, we understand the need to be financially buoyant and that is why we placed a zero charge per transaction on our mobile app.

What this means is that for every transaction you carry out on the app, be it for loan or normal transactional purpose, you don’t get to pay for any charge. We understand that every naira counts and that is why our app is free, easy and convenient to use. You can also invest and earn higher returns. You can download it on the Google Play store and the IOS store

To apply for a quick loan, simply visit our online application portal at www.pagefinancials.com/loans.html. For further enquiries, you can send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com or contact customer service on 016317243 for more details.

Below are some benefits of obtaining a loan:


Solve Emergencies Quickly

No one is prepared when life takes another turn. There can be different situations in which you will feel the need to borrow money on an emergency basis;

·         Home or Property Damage

·         Cars Repair

·         Medical Emergencies

·         An unexpected trip

Even the reliable thing can spring a surprise once in a while and that’s why at Page Financials, we process loans in 3 hours or less as long as the needed requirements are in place.


Steady Cash Flow

In the case where salary has not been paid and there are lots of things on ground that must be attended to. Obtaining a loan from us can help you pay your rent to avoid embarrassment, pay your kids school fees, pay utility bills etc. All of these at zero charge per transaction.


In Conclusion

Taking a loan helps in achieving some goals which could be long term investments. Taking a loan is often seen as a way of being enslaved, which is the opposite. Obtaining a loan provides that much needed financial buoyancy to help execute some important projects.

Talk to one of our financial advisors today by sending a mail to customer@pagefinancials.com

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