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Traveling the World During COVID-19 Times – 5 Things To Note

Traveling the World

posted on Feb 8, 2021


Thinking of traveling? Read this first

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You've heard it a hundred different ways: 2020 was a major bummer for passport-toting travelers all over the world.

To put a number on it, international tourist arrivals were down an average of more than 70% worldwide last year, according to Euronews.

In response, a lot of people have shifted their travel plans to this year, but is it all safe to travel now?

Confusion remains about who can travel where, which destinations are considered “safe” and by whom, and the ever-changing requirements of each jurisdiction.

Many question whether it’s ethical to travel at all, particularly for tourism. Many countries continue to recommend their citizens only travel if it’s truly essential, internationally as well as outside of their state or province.

While there is no one size fits all answer on travelling this year as events are still unfolding, we have outlined some helpful tips that you should keep in mind if you are considering traveling.

Remember that safety is the ultimate concern and anything that will jeopardize your safety and that of the people around you, should be avoided – even if it means suspending that travel – again.


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Tips For Traveling the World During COVID-19 Times.


1.    Is COVID-19 spreading where you live or at your destination? 


Before you travel, the more cases in your community or at your destination, the more likely you are to get and spread the virus.

Familiarize yourself with the COVID-19 figures in your locality and understand the trend. What is the percent of new cases in your area?

Check your destination too, what is the COVID-19 trend there? Is it on the increase? How strong is the health workers response and compliance in that country?

Insights from these preliminary understanding will guild your next move.


2.    Are you at increased risk for severe illness? 

Anyone can get COVID-19, but older adults and people of any age with certain medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

If you are thinking of traveling, it might be a good time to do a comprehensive system checkup to understand the state of your vitals, or better still, consult with your doctor to understand the strength of your immune system with respect to your age and health status.


3.    Do you live with someone who's at increased risk for severe illness? 

If you get infected while traveling, you can spread the virus to the people you live with when you return, even if you don't have symptoms.

Beyond satisfying your wander lust (if you are traveling for fun), think about the people you will encounter when you return.

If you interact with elderly people or people that have underlying illness, you can infect them even if you don’t have symptoms.

Related post: How To Boost Your Immune System During The COVID-19 Pandemic


4.    Get tested before and after travel.


Carrying out a COVID-19 test before and after you travel can reduce the risk of spreading the virus.

Different countries have different regulations regarding international travelers. You need to confirm and conform with the local laws as well as the laws of your destination country/state.

To see the full international travel guideline for Nigerians, visit the NCDC Nigeria International Travel Portal website here


5.    Repeat the test three to five days after your trip.


When you return from your travel, it is important to note that you could have contacted the virus but show no symptoms.

To completely safeguard yourself and the people around you, repeat the test three to five days after your trip and reduce nonessential activities for 7 to 10 days

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Bottom Line


Whether you decide to travel or not, adhere to all COVID-19 safety rules like wearing your face mask, observing social distancing, not touching your eyes, nose and mouth.

Remember, even the best-laid plans may need to be set aside when illness strikes. Stay home if any of your travel companions or you:

-       Are sick or think you have COVID-19 even if you don't have symptoms.

-       Have been around someone with suspected or diagnosed COVID-19 in the past 14 days even if that person didn't have symptoms.


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