How to Develop Self-Belief in 5 Steps
posted on Sep 21, 2020
Here are 5 ways to help you develop self-belief.
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As the name suggests, self-belief has to do with how much a person believes in herself. It encompasses the belief in your values, skills, knowledge, and abilities. Self-believe is very important because it affects a person’s lifestyle and choices.
A person without self-belief will constantly downplay their abilities while settling for less than what they deserve. Most times, the individual takes whatever blow life deals because they do not believe that they deserve better.
On the other hand, a person with self-belief knows their worth and value.
For instance, when people with no self-belief see a job vacancy with the skills they possess, they may pass up on it or apply half-heartedly because they believe that they are not good enough for the job.
If you do not believe in yourself or have lost your self-belief, remember that you can regain it with the right steps and actions.
Here are 5 ways to help you develop self-belief.
1. Know Who You Want to Be
When self-doubt or self-pity is not eating at you, who would you like to be? If you were not afraid, what would you do?
Boldly answering these questions is the first step to rebuilding your self-belief. This is because the doubts and negative thought patterns, over time, bury the real you along with your goals and dreams.
To gain self-belief, you need to work towards these goals while pushing away low self-esteem.
2. Affirm Yourself
Self-affirmations are strong tools that reinforce your belief in yourself. This is because as humans, our self-image influences our behavior.
If you see yourself as one of the most good-looking people in the world, you will definitely behave like one.
And if you see yourself as the future CEO of a company, you will also act like one.
So, what you need to do is see yourself as someone worthy and amazing.
Affirmations can help you create that image. They are positive statements that knock out doubts, especially when recited aloud and with belief.
3. Face Your Fears
One effective way to develop self-belief is by facing your fears.
You do not have to face them all at once or go for the scariest first. You can choose to start little by little.
Start by figuring out the source of your self-doubt and tackling that problem. If your parent’s treatment of you as a kid is the reason you lost confidence in yourself, approach them and speak to them about it.
Do not be afraid of being censored. Expressing yourself might help you get the weight off your chest.
4. Address Your Inner Critic
If society is the reason behind your loss of self-belief, it can easily be addressed and rebuilt. If you are your own critic, however, your confidence cannot be regained if you do not shut off the criticizing voice in your head.
Most times, the lack of belief in oneself is a result of an overactive inner critic. You might have this amazing idea but while creating the proposal, you may start wondering if the idea is good enough.
You then start to convince yourself that the proposal is not good enough, discarding the sheet of paper, and keeping the idea under lock and key.
Addressing your inner critic is crucial because until you do, you may keep undermining your abilities and settling for less than you deserve.
5. Be Prepared to Win
Before you take a step towards your goals and aspirations, make sure you are all set up to win.
Do not take things on a whim or have a ‘winging it’ mindset because these often result in failure.
Instead, study hard for that exam, prepare to provide all the best answers at that interview, make an impressive presentation for that meeting, and cut off acquaintances who fill your mind with negative thoughts.
Preparing to win also fills you with confidence that will encourage you to put in the extra effort to achieve your goals.
If the reason you lost your self-belief is that you believe others are better than you, you need to make a conscious effort into changing that mindset.
Think of all the amazing things you can do that other people cannot. And remind yourself that you are just as deserving as the next person.
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