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How To Keep Your Kids Active

How To Keep Your Kid

posted on Apr 3, 2020


Creative Ways To Keep Your Kids Occupied

No matter where you are in the world, you’re probably worrying about the COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis it’s creating. Luckily, people around the world are working together to get the situation under control, and there’s a lot you can do to stay healthy and upbeat until the crisis passes.

You’re likely spending most of your time working from home to limit the spread of the Corona Virus and you probably miss your loved ones. Keep in touch with them by calling and texting them often.

While you’re homebound, you can take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy shows you’ve been wanting to watch. You might also re-watch your favorites. Just make sure to break up your Netflix sessions with other activities, like getting in some exercise.

Additionally, use video chat services to connect with your friends and family virtually. If you live with others, use this extra time together for fun activities. Try to do at least one fun thing together every day to help you all have fun while you’re waiting out the Corona Virus outbreak. For instance, invite members of your household to do the following:

·         Play board games.

·         Watch a movie.

·         Enjoy a big meal.

·         Do a puzzle.

Now those are things that can be done with people who live around you and probably are in your age group. It’s quite different when you have kids and you want enjoy the lockdown with them. This period can be quite hectic for parents, as kids sometimes can be a handful, keeping them occupied can bring a form of relief to parents.

This shutdown was unexpected to most parents and we have cited some things that can be done with your kids to make the lockdown much fun and not make them overtly bored at home


Make a Schedule

For those of us who are still expected to work, who are lucky enough to have kept our jobs, there is a juggle. Make a clear work schedule, so that both your children and your workplace know when you will be available.

Don't try to do them both at the same time, because it means that you're not fully present in either. Structure your times when you are working. And then actually give the kids your full attention - be with them mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Instead of over-scheduling your children's day, have a mix of 'breathing in' activities which require focus and effort, and 'breathing out' activities that allow free play and fun.


Make them work and pay them

This will keep them occupied. They can do the basic things such as cleaning the table, laying their beds, sweeping the floor and so on. It is good to imbibe the culture of hard work and also learning the value of money.


 Build up their library

Now is a perfect time to make them read books more. You can make it a little bit more fun by asking them to give you a summary of what they have read at the end of each book. Also, make sure that the books are age-appropriate for them. Another fun thing to do is to make them write out new words and find the meaning of those words.


Get them art tools/supplies

This will allow you to see the creative side of your kid. Stock up the house with glitter glues, palettes, paintbrushes, cardboard, crayons, paints and so much more. This will be an amazing opportunity for them to express their artistic side. The next Vincent van Gogh might just be in your household.


Educational Applications

It is important that as the children are currently at home due to the shutdown of schools, that they are still studying their school books. Help them download useful applications for them to be able to study better as school is still going to resume after the whole pandemic is over. This will help them be up to date in their school work.


Movie time

Spend quality time with them and give them some time to relax by watching a movie, an age-appropriate one of course and also an educative one. This will also allow you to bond.
You can allow them watch cartoons also, and surprise them by sitting with them all through.


In conclusion

Staying home with kids should not be boring and stressful altogether. Remember that the entire world is in this together, so you are not alone. During this period where we have to stay home so as to reduce the spread of the novel COVID-19, we can try out different things with our kids to make them happy, and remember, if you need quick loans, Page Financials is your reliable financial partner. You can reach us even during the lock-down through the channels,
customer@pagefinancials.com or call 016317243 or 017008050

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