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Back To Work Tips To Help You Blend

Back To Work Tips To

posted on May 1, 2020


Getting ready to resume work? Read this

Back To Work is not a phrase people use all the time, can you remember the last time you said those words in one sentence?

That is because for a very long time – as far as we can remember, we have not had to take a compulsory break from work or completely shift our workstation from the office to our homes.


With the Corona Virus Pandemic, a lot has changed; many professionals have had to take a long compulsory break from work – or at least a break from the full work schedule. Working remotely became the new norm and people quickly adapted. 


In just a matter of weeks, the workforce at large was quickly and strategically navigated to remote working while maintaining the symbiotic relationship between business continuity, employee well-being, and customer satisfaction. 


But all that is about to change – again – as the economy plans to resume and businesses re-opened following the Federal Government’s directive. 


This means people will have to switch back from remote working to physical presence at the office or site or wherever you make ends meet. With a lot of persons already used to the remote work life, it is going to take some strategic approach to if you will blend quickly.


The tips below will help you do that effortlessly;


1. Start now, wake up earlier than usual:

While it is fairly easy to adjust from on-site job to remote work, the case is not the same for going the other way. If you will enjoy a smooth transition, you have to start planning and training your mind and body for the change that is coming. 

If you used to get off the bed at 7:40 am and start working at your workstation (at home) at 8 am, that will no longer be the case when work resumes because you have to wake up earlier and commute. 

To enjoy a smooth switch or at least minimize the effect on your body, you can start by waking up at 7 am, and then 6 am, and then 5;30 am…until you reach the time that is suitable for your commute to work. 

2. Don't beat yourself up about it:

Dreading something is the quickest way to let that thing overwhelm you. You do not have to be anxious about resuming work. Work resumption is a phase that everybody is going through so you are not alone. 

You might find that you are weaker than usual on that first day or even underproductive, but not to worry, you will find your rhythm in a couple of days. Approach your resumption with an optimistic mind rather than fear.


3. Don’t play catch up:

As tempting as it may be, don’t spend too much time trying to catch up on your colleagues.

You may find that people will start sharing some ‘what looks like goals achieved’ during the lockdown, how may challenge they completed on social media, how many books they read/wrote during the lockdown, and a host of other things.


Frankly, some challenges help us work smarter towards a goal and we are not discouraging you from whatever challenges your abilities, however, you don’t need to feel wasted because you read the least number of books, or didn't read at all, or didn't participate in certain social media challenges.


Everyone has their forte and know what works for them at a time, understand your personality and strength, and bring that to work with you.


Do not feel demoralized or pressured when you hear all the things other people did, whatever you did to stay alive, safe, and healthy during these unprecedented times, you did well, celebrate yourself.


4. Bring your own food:


This point is especially important for your first day of resumption. Although there is now movement and businesses are expected to begin to re-open gradually, the truth is, many local food outlets might not be open on the first day so prepare your own meal for lunch.


The restaurants close to your office might need some supplies that are not available yet, or they might simply want to examine the outcome of things before they re-open to customers. 


It will do you good to carry your lunch to the office so that you do not have to be stranded when it’s time for lunch. Hunger can make things worse.


5. Be cautious, the virus is still out there:


We may now be free to move about and do some meaningful work, this does not suggest that you should let down your guard. The virus is still very much out there.


Continue to practice social distancing, hand washing, and general hygiene to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.


Do not go about touching surfaces and playing with your face, the success in the fight against this virus in Nigeria depends on what we do when this lockdown easing commences.


Help the government, all of us, and yourself to keep the situation under control by following NCDC guidelines.


In conclusion


We will begin to reunite with ourselves and our work soon, businesses are already making plans to open some of their branches to receive costumers starting on Monday 4th. Page Financials is also finalizing plans to ensure that we can begin to gradually receive customers at our select branches starting with the headquarter.


To us, this phased re-opening is important because we want to be able to assist our customers with access to finance to get back on their feet as quickly as possible without any hassle. 


So, if you need a quick loan to sort bills, we may have good news for you starting Monday, and you can easily get started by visiting our website at www.pagefinancials.com


Our support team is available to address any questions you might, simply call 01-700PAGE (7143) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com


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