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How To Build A Good Relationship With Money

How To Build A Good

posted on Aug 14, 2020


How would you describe your current relationship with money?

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When you really think about it, a healthy relationship with money is all about our behavior.

Your financial goals and how you spend your money are determined by your habits, thoughts, and feelings about money.

Of course, you already know that you should spend less than you earn. That’s the first rule when it comes to personal finance.

But sometimes our mind can play tricks on us and shape the way we think about money.

So, how would you classify your relationship with Money?

Building a good relationship with a delicate entity like money requires you to do some personal finance mastering.

It’s not a splint, but a journey. One filled with a lot of little steps before you can become confident that your money is under control.

Not to scare you, that is why we wrote this post, to show you how to build a good relationship with your finances.

Let’s dive in.


#1: Get your needs under control  

Imagine the feeling of having everything you need under control, like just choosing to spend money on this – at this time, and not to spend money on that – at that time.

Wouldn’t that be great?

Though that will certainly birth success in your personal finances, this kind of lifestyle isn’t what a lot of people fancy.

We are all spending money on something – everyday, as long as we wake up in the morning and step out, bills come in prompt no matter how much we don’t want to pay them.

The trick here is to spend less on what we need so we can get more of what we want.

Personal finance excellence is a function of a well-built personal discipline.

Categorize and prioritize your Wants Vs Needs, and discipline yourself to adhere to it. This may inflict some temporal hardship on you at the onset, but the end result is worth it. 


#2: Shop within your pocket limits – no breaking the bank

Now that we have looked at prioritizing the things you want vs the ones you need, what’s next?

How do you go about the things you really want to buy now?

One of the main skills you need to master here is the repeatable strategy to save money on shopping. Know what online and offline stores in your area have made available to you – and use it.

A few minutes of research before you roll out your wallet, or slot in your card into the POS device to pay, can save you hundreds to thousands. 

When you choose to use certain payment options like paying by transfer with the Page Mobile App, you also save big on transfer charges.

Make a habit to always check prices from multiple stores before you buy, especially for products that are not sold in only one place.

The majority of big-name stores have their entire inventory online. Take a minute to think which stores near you could be selling your desired item, then go online and search for it on each of them. 


#3: Make more money

Let’s be real, no matter how much money you make, you could always use a little more, that’s why an important step in your journey to making your relationship with money a sweet one involves increasing your earning power.

You don’t have to go out and get a second job – simply use the skills and money you already have to get some extra cash on the side.

But if you realize that you are constantly burning out your salary even when you spend decently, then it might be a good time to strategically plan and look for other offers that will increase how much you earn.


#4: Invest in a high-interest investment plan

Investing used to be a topic reserved for the “financial rocket scientists” not any more.  

With the penetration and growth of the financial services sector in Nigeria – which Page Financials is a leading driver, lending and investment has been reduced to just a few clicks.

Set aside a little room in your budget to put some money in a no-fee high-interest investment plan. It doesn’t have to be something as serious as you thinking about retirement (which by the way is a great idea) – just think of that trip you want to go on or the new car you want to buy…or just the security of having a little nest egg that’s growing a little bit more everyday

If you need some personalized advice on how to go about investing smartly, you can call us on 01-700(PAGE)7243 or send an email to customer@pagefincials.com



Personal discipline is key to building a successful relationship with money. It is not a “so hard thing to do”, you just need to be dedicated and meticulous in your spending, plus follow a few rules.

Cultivate a conscious mindset to prioritize the things that matter now and move your needs to a later future. On the things you must shop now, make sure you are getting it at the best possible price (but also make sure you are getting the right value).

Do something to increase your earnings. Have a side hustle, or start an investment plan.

When you do these little things, money will love you, always want to be with you, and multiply in your possession.

Our support team is available to address any questions you might have in terms of accessing quick loans, investing, or using our payment solution to enjoy zero charge on transactions.

Visit our website at pagefinancials.com or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com or call 01-700PAGE (7143) to speak with us.  



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