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End of year financial check

End of year financia

posted on Dec 4, 2019


How did your 2019 fare financially?

It’s that time to enjoy the union of the family, either through vacations or staying indoors and having a great time. With Harmattan on the horizon already, it’s the perfect blend. The kids will be home from school and the working class can finally take a break from work.

However, as it is a time to relax and reminisce on the adventures of the year, it is pertinent you review your finances too. Yeah, what you did with your income – you don’t think it’s important?

Well it is.

Having a review of your finances helps you make better plans for the coming year. You get to differentiate the “Do’s and Don’ts” for the coming year.

If you already know your stance and you want to spend moderately this festive period we have some tips before you go Christmas shopping

If you recently got married or gave birth or got promoted at work, you will want to adjust your spending plan so it reflects those changes.

Here’s how to prepare for what’s coming:

Budget For The Coming Year

There is no actual way to sustain financial health without having a budget. If you have any life changes, it is required you adjust your budget based on that. Check your spending and ascertain when you spend more and on what.

Children going back to school is a major factor here and also during holidays. Payment of school fees for the coming year shouldn’t bring much stress to you because at Page Financials, your money worries will be settled.

Your spending plan is a living, breathing thing. And when life changes you’ll want to make adjustments to your budget accordingly.

Restock Emergency Funds

It is said that at least 20% of your monthly income should be kept for rainy days – when the cloud in your wallet becomes grey and dry – the essence of this is to stay afloat when needs arise; car repairs, urgent need for a new phone or computer.

If you need more money to put into emergency fund, there are two ways that can help: either try reducing your expenses or consider taking a side hustle. Save your emergency fund in another account so you won’t be tempted to touch.

Quit Impulse Buying

Have a look through the things you have, most especially the clothes and shoes you have. How many of these were impulse buys? You probably would’ve bought things or you buy things you don’t need. Sometimes, you buy things that are similar to what you have and it can lead to needless spending. Plan ahead and quit the habit – being broke is no joke.


If you need a professional financial adviser to guide you in budgeting, or you have too many expenditure variables that you are finding it difficult to adequately budget and stick with it, then our FREE financial consultation might just be right for you.


At Page Financials, we understand that financial literacy is the basis of what we do, so we have experts who are ready to help you understand finance and how to handle it.


This service is completely FREE, all you have to do is call our number; 016317243, or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to get help on any finance related issues, including getting a quick loan of between N200k to N5 million in less than 3 hours.

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