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Will You Marry Me

posted on Jan 31, 2019 |   124 likes


Things you should know before asking

Going on one knee and popping the question can be very thrilling, it is a big deal and it is usually not taken lightly. However knowing how your future spouse deals with their finances before you ask them to marry you is a bigger deal, as not knowing how they solve financial problems or how they spend or save money could cause some serious problems in your marriage and we don’t want that for you at all.

Hopefully, if you’ve reached the point of asking the question, you’re sure you’ve found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. For a long and happy marriage, the following are things you should know ensure you’re not only emotionally, but financially ready to get married.

What’s in your savings account?

First of all, ask yourself the following questions and be honest with yourself. Do you have a saving account? If you do, are you consistent with your savings plan? If yes, do you have enough money to plan a wedding and start a family? If yes to all the questions above, then you are good to go. If no to most of the questions above, you might want to reconsider your proposal plan for a while to get your finances in order before you get on one knee. In so doing, you would avoid a lot of pressure and tension that would arise when you are planning the wedding ceremony and eventually when you get married.

Is she financially stable?

The truth is, things have changed, most especially in Nigeria. Gone are the days when the man solely takes care of the home financially. Marriage is now partnership between two people that wants to spend the rest of their lives together in peace and love and that would only be possible if the financial responsibilities is not saddled on just one person. That could be going on well at first, but eventually it would become a pressure on the partner that is always providing the money. Therefore, before you ask for her hand in marriage, be sure you are both on the same page financially and she is also financially ready for marriage.  

Do you have unpaid debt?

This is very huge. Do you have a loan you are still repaying? If yes you don’t want to have more loans to repay because you want to get married. At the same time, no lady would feel secure with you when she knows you have debt you are yet to pay off. Therefore, try to keep your loan records clean before you propose. This way when you both need to get a loan for a home or travel in future you have a clean financial record and a good credit score.

Finally you need to be sure you and your partner are financially compatible and no one is bringing financial luggage into the marriage. If you are being honest with yourself, you would know that you are financially ready to pop the question or not. If you do not feel ready financially, you might want to get all your financial issues sorted before you go ahead with your proposal. If you are sure, then you are good to go.

Good luck.

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