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4 Things To Note When Setting Up A Solar Inverter System in Your Home + Financing Option

4 Things To Note Whe

posted on Mar 15, 2021


Thinking of setting up an Inverter? Read this first

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Let’s be real with ourselves, the electricity supply in Nigeria is far from great. Nigeria is the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa, but is plagued with limitations in the power sector.

In most days, we are only able to generate around 4,000 MW, which is grossly insufficient. Leaving a lot of homes with no power at all for hours and days.

A lot of people have therefore taken generating their own power into their hands, opting for Generators and Solar Inverters.

While Inverters have proven to be an eco-friendlier and more efficient alternative, the setup cost can be uncomforting to your budget.

In this post, we will not only show you what to consider when opting for Solar Inverters, we will also show you how to finance the project even if you don’t have any money at hand.

Read till end to see the financing option available to you.

As your financial partner that cares so much about helping you get the most out of life by making sound economic decisions, it is important that we enlighten you on some of the things you should note if you are considering installing a Solar Inverter in your home or office.

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But First, Types of Solar Inverters

Primarily, there are two main types of solar inverters, namely, string inverters, and micro-inverters.

String Inverters

These types of inverters are the most common, cheapest, and easiest to install. They are sometimes also known as the centralized inverters since all the solar panels are interconnected, and they all feed into a single inverter.

With this setup, the entire solar system acts like a giant-panel.

The major challenge with this kind of installation is that if a single panel lowers its energy production, the other solar panels also dramatically reduce their electric output.



Unlike string inverters where panels share a single inverter, microinverters are dedicated to a single solar panel.

Solar systems with micro-inverters have small inverters installed to each solar panel on the roof. These micro-inverters are also known as distributed inverters.

These inverters are more efficient than the string inverters since they will still produce the necessary energy even though one or two panels under-perform.

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4 Things to Note When Setting Up A Solar Inverter System


1.    Calculate How Much Power You Need

Try and come up with a rough estimate of how much power you need before dashing out to purchase that solar inverter.

Bearing in mind that a solar converter is not a generator, you ought to find one that will convert enough energy to power your appliances.

Solar inverters have their limitations; hence, it is necessary to find a solar inverter, as well as solar panels that will be ideal for you.


2.    Check The Power Ratings As Well As The Surge

Solar inverters come in different classifications. And, while some have higher power ratings, some have lower power ratings.

When you calculate the amount of power that you need, you will have an idea of which range of power ratings that match your solar power system.

Surge rating refers to the number of watts of overload that an inverter can handle over a short span.


3.    Counter-check The Safety Certification

Just like any other electronic device, solar inverters ought to be tested and proven to be safe for use before deployment into the market.

These tests are usually carried out in the labs and certified upon passing the tests.

Before you purchase the inverter, it is highly advisable to check their level of safety.


4.    Have The Right Battery Choice

The type of battery in your solar inverter highly determines how long the inverter will last.

Therefore, this makes it essential that you choose the battery wisely. The battery capacity is one significant factor in determining whether the battery is the best option or not.

The estimation of how much power you need alongside the number of back-up hours will assist in determining whether the battery capacity is a good match.


How to Finance The expensive Solar Inverter Project Even If You Have No Money At Hand

Our goal is to make sure that you get access to the best things of life, and that money is never a barrier.

If you are considering setting up a Sola Inverter system in your home, then Page Financials is happy to assist you to fund the project.

Our convenient loans are well suited for any of your personal or professional needs like securing a Solar Inverter system.

We provide loans of up to N5 million to working class residents of Lagos, Ibadan and Abuja, and the turnaround time is fast so you can always meet the project or payment deadlines. 

Application is simple and online and can be done through this link https://pagefinancials.com/registration

If you require any further assistance or clarifications, we are happy to speak with you via email at customer@pagefinancials.com or call on 017007243.


Power outages are frequent in Nigeria, and a suitable inverter and battery can be priceless during such events. 

It can be very frustrating when you are watching your favorite program on TV, or about to print an invoice for a customer, and everything suddenly goes black. 

With an inverter and battery, you can have uninterrupted power supply at a modest budget.

Visit our blog at https://pagefinancials.com/blog for more inspirations on how to take charge of your financial life.

Also, learn how we assist salary earners in Lagos to access quick loans of up to N5 million to sort their various money needs.

Call 01-700PAGE (7243) or send an email to customer@pagefinancials.com to speak with us.  


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