5 Ways to Plan Detty December on a Budget
posted on Dec 3, 2021
Detty December! Detty December! Detty December!
Detty December! Detty December! Detty December!
If you are a Nigerian, then this phrase should not be strange to you at all. This saying was once constantly on the lips of almost every Nigerian and everyone had a different interpretation of it.
To some, Detty December meant catching up on all the fun they missed out on in the year. While for others the period was for lavish spending to show off and pepper their enemies. What a time!
Similarly, the stories following the Detty December adventures weren't strange either. With limited cash to spend in January people were mostly left to borrow from friends and families to relieve their financial hangover. Gradually they get into a debt loop at the beginning of a new year.
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How about a clean December?
Another festive period is upon us, of course, you want to have fun as much as possible and still have the cash to spend when the Christmas trees come down right? Relax, we’ve got you covered.
December is a time to be merry, but many people think that if they plan their celebration around a budget, they might just miss out on all the fun.
Here is an icebreaker
Overspending will only end up in tears (read that again)
As your Financial partner, we care about the money choices you make now and how these choices impact our future. Through our weekly blog, we endeavour to educate on personal finance and how to avoid bad financial decisions
Hence here are 5 easy ways we have prepared for you to have a clean December and also prevent SAPA from knocking at your door in January
Let’s go.
1. Make a List and Check it Twice
There is a reason this is our number one way to plan your December on a budget.
With a list prepared ahead, you can ditch the hassle of last-minute Christmas preparation and work out how much cash you have to play with. If you are reading this and you are yet to draw up your list, now is a good time to get on with that.
2. Research and Compare Prices
After making your list, now is the time to research and get the real prices in the market. Visit different stores to compare prices and come up with the one that best suits your pocket.
With lots of beautiful items up for sale during this period, you might get tempted to include what you do not need.
However, if you intend to make smart financial decisions this season, we advise you stick to your budget.
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3. Shop Early
The prices of commodities have always been known to increase during festive periods. With this in mind, shopping early is your best bet to avoid overspending and save extra cash.
Remember, do not buy more than you need- especially when it comes to perishable items.
You don’t have to worry about failed transactions. We have made shopping and payment easier, faster, and reliable for you with the Page debit card.
4. Try Secret Santa
As you keep adding to the list of people you buy gifts for every Christmas, so do your expenses keep adding. Another way to ensure frugal spending as you catch maximum fun is by organizing a Secret Santa between families and friends.
Secret Santa involves putting names into a hat or bag and each person pulling out a name each. You buy a gift for whoever you pull out of the hat. Simple as that. This way, everyone has a gift and no one is left in debt.
5. Save! Save! and Keep Saving
Keep this at the back of your mind while you jolly around.
In addition to your Christmas budget, it is wise to put some emergency funds aside. They will serve as a safety net in the event of unforeseen expenditures.
You can also save up all the cash gifts you receive during this period. Trust us, they will come in handy in the long month of January.
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Bottom line
The month of December is the last one of the year, and everyone looks forward to it. From Christmas celebrations to time spent with loved ones and making plans for the coming year, this time of year is undoubtedly the most anticipated.
But our Yuletide spirit can be dampened when we consider the major dent it makes in our bank account.
As we approach the start of a new year, it is imperative to make smart financial decisions to ensure a smooth transition.
If you’d like to speak one-on-one with us for financial advice, you can speak to a financial expert at Page for free by calling 017007243 or sending an email to customer@pagefinancials.com
Visit our blog at https://pagefinancials.com/blog for more inspiration on how to take charge of your financial life.
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