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Trends to watch out for in the next few months

Trends to watch out

posted on Jan 25, 2019


Trends you should be ready for

This year, there would be a dynamic change and evolvement in almost everything, every sector, and our lifestyle. The way things are done would begin to change such that some job roles would begin to fade out as technology, digitization, and machine learning begin to take over, to increase productivity and make life easier.

The following are a few areas in which there would be a swift change in the way and tools they use to operate.

Business Trends

Whether you own your business or you are working with someone that does, either way, the way you do business, the tools and how you reach your customers would become more customized and personalized. Customers are not loyal and they are ready to move to the next thing or business that interests them. Therefore businesses are now adapting machine learning and Artificial Intelligence to help them know what their customers want, what they are doing and where to reach them and at what time. Therefore you need to equip yourself with the necessary skills required to make use of machine learning tools to find your customers and sell to them.  

Workplace Trends

The generation Z are now going to work. They are tech savvy, they are on the go, they don’t like to be tied down and are always ready to express themselves. They are innovative and ready to experiment and those are the people that would be at work now. This means organizations would have to improve the tools and devices used at work to fit into the devise and tools generation Zs can work with.

Also, organizations would begin to adopt social behaviors at work and improve policies that enhance innovation because the world is changing fast and they cannot afford to stick to rigid policies that put them behind the rest of the world. Now it is about keeping an eye on the trends and adjust accordingly.

Banking and Finance

Before going into details about this, when was the last time you visited a bank to do anything? You can’t remember, right? If you had gone to the bank recently you either just used the ATM or you must have discovered that what you needed to do could have been done online. 

The way we now carry out our financial transaction shows that the banking and finance sector is adapting fast to technological trends and would not stop anytime soon. This year we should expect to start social banking such that, you would be able to send money, receive money, apply for a loan, start an investment and much more over a chat without leaving your chat App or visiting a website.

Technology Trends

This is the major reason every other thing is changing. Mobile phones, laptops, speakers, mode of communication and interaction,User interface (UI) on websites, social media, literally everything is changing and would keep changing. Businesses with websites now update their websites with the User interface (UI) that enables chatbots, voice search and other forms of artificial intelligence and automation to make it easy for customers to find what they need on time and interact with them better and faster.

Gadgets such as speakers are now smarter and have gone beyond being just speakers to being personal assistants. Phones are also equipped to enable, voice search, message automation etc.

This is just a few of the other trends that would begin to take shape in the few months ahead, and it’s best to be prepared so you don’t get lost in transition.

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