Page Flaunts Her Women In Leadership Positions to Commemorate 2019 International Women’s Day

posted on Mar 8, 2019
Beyond her charm, smile, and high spirit, Queen is a hardworking and goal-oriented Lady who never rest on her oars or rests until the possible best is achieved when handling any project.
This Is quite visible in the excellent customer service brand she has helped to build as head of Customer Service at PAGE. Is therefore safe to refer to her as “The QUEEN BEE” of Customer Service, (yes you heard right).
Queen Holds a B.SC in Mass Communication from Covenant University and a Bachelor of Law from the University of London, UK.
While at PAGE, Queen has brought her quantum of experience in customer service to play, making PAGE the trail blazer in customer service within the consumer finance space.
For example, Page just recently initiated a Customer Complaints Management Portal an initiative of the Customer engagement Department that helps Staff manage and resolve customer issues and complain in real time and so seamlessly.
· Life Vision/Goal: My personal vision is to have a life of meaning for myself and others.
· Favorite Books: Dave Ramsey (Complete Guide to Money), Robin Sharma (The Leader who had no title), Mark Manson (The art of not giving a F*ck)
· Favorite Gadgets: Macbook Pro
· Favorite Car(s): Mustang
· Person or People you admire: My Mother,
· Best Fragrance/Perfume: J’adore by Dior
· Favorite Place/Destination: Eiffel Tower, Paris
· Favorite Designer: Givenchy
· Favorite Quote: “Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak”
Advice to young career women: Do not let anyone tell you that you can't achieve it because you are a woman.